Industrial Advisory Board Members Agree to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Posted 2021-03-11 05:44:59
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Eyasu Yimer, industry liaison specialist for EASTRIP, delivered a precise presentation on the concept and purpose of memorandum of understanding (MOU) in line with the international experience. Eyasu expresses MOU simply as an agreement between two or more parties ,or convergence of interest between the parties to take an intended common line of action. ‘Though the agreement is attained in a formal document, it is legally non-binding’, Eyasu added. Duties and responsibilities of the board members were also highlighted. After the short presentation was over, members deliberated on the forwarded proposal to sign the MOU between the college and their respective industries or companies. In the end, board members expressed their agreement on signing the MOU after the document editing is finished and sent to them via e-mail address.

Industrial Advisory Board Members Agree to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


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Kombolcha Polytechnic College