Kombolcha Polytechnic College staff takes Gender Awareness Training (GAT)

Posted 2021-06-26 03:03:32
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Sociologists argue that gender inequalities are the result of a complex web of socially constructed roles and norms that are culturally and historically entrenched in societies. Here it is possible to understand that gender is not a natural phenomenon as sex is. According to Negesse Kebede, socio-environment and gender specialist for EASTRIP at Kombolcha Polytechnic College, and facilitator for the training session, the training has been designed to sensitize the staff participants of the college to the topic of gender and gender based violence and discrimination. During the three days training, gender inequality issues in the workplace such as, among others, unequal pay for similar job and education level, sexual harassment, gender based violence, equity Vs equality have been discussed. Participants have been empowered to deconstruct the existing assumption in relation to gender inequalities. Participants have expressed their opinion concerning the training saying that the awareness training on gender provided them with the relevant knowledge, skills and values that would allow them to contribute to effective implementation of the gender mainstreaming strategy in the TVET sector by helping contribute their part to the country’s effort in redressing the gaps in gender equality. In order to effectively mainstream gender, participants suggested that all staff members should take such important trainings so as to identify gender inequality cases, define gender equality objectives, and take account of gender when planning and implementing policies in their field of activity. Finally, the training concluded after setting up gender task force committee, consisting of five members. The major duties and responsibilities of the committee include making surveys and identifying gender gaps in the workplace, preparing action plans which might help provide gender awareness trainings to the college employees and trainees, forming strong gender club- members dominantly from trainees, and providing gender awareness trainers’ training.

Kombolcha Polytechnic College staff takes Gender Awareness Training (GAT)


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Kombolcha Polytechnic College