Kombolcha Polytechnic College signed Memorandum of Understanding with Partner Colleges and the Industry

Posted 2022-03-24 12:32:55
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Kombolcha Polytechnic College signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with two partner colleges and one labor industry in February and March 2022 respectively. The two partner colleges are Ajibar Polytechnic and Akesta Polytechnic College Colleges while the Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprises (AWWCE) is from industry. The current agreement included, the college has hitherto signed 10 MOUs (five agreements with industries and five with partner TVET colleges). According to the report compiled by the project’s Gender and Environmental Safeguard Specialist, Negesse Kebede, the college has achieved more than its planned year IV target. All parties in the MOU developed joint action plan and shared duties an responsibilities to carry out. The parties also agreed to use the MOU document for two years with an open possibility of extension as it deems to be appropriate. By Amanuel Endris, KPTC Public Relations Practitioner (March, 2022)

Kombolcha Polytechnic College signed Memorandum of Understanding with Partner Colleges and the Industry


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2022-08-17 17:21:05
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Kombolcha Polytechnic College