Automotive Department Trainers Conduct Industry Experience Sharing Visit

Posted 2022-03-24 12:35:35
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Automotive department trainers of Kombolcha Polytechnic College have conducted experience sharing visit on selected automotive industries. The experience sharing team leader told the college’s public relations unit that the purpose of the visiting tour was to help trainers get exposure to the world of work dynamism, and help them understand the practical application of knowledge and skills needed in the contemporary world of labor market or industry. The experience sharing visit that lasted for a week in Addis Ababa (6 to 12 March 2022) incorporated 13 team members and addressed four industries, two of which have (MOENCO Ethiopia and Belayab Motors) already been the college’s partners and members of the Industry Advisory Board for the college. The other two industries (Anbesa City Bus Service Enterprise and Productivity Improvement Center of Excellence), however, new for the college warmly welcomed the experience sharing team and were cooperative. Participants of the visit affirmed they were excited by what they observed during the visit. They uttered that they learnt a lot which might contribute to update their knowledge and skills in the development of their profession. They also commented that the experience sharing would help them fit the rapidly changing world. Besides, participant trainers asserted that they shared valuable experience that would be vital and useful for curriculum reviewing, designing industry-oriented training programs and preparing appropriate training materials. Moreover, the experience sharing visit has been thought to provide the college with opportunities in widening partnership linkage potentials with industries. Representatives of the industries- with which the experience sharing exchange took place-expressed their warm admiration for the professionalism and courtesy demonstrated by the visiting team members, and they showed willingness to work in collaboration with the college.

Automotive Department Trainers Conduct Industry Experience Sharing Visit


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Kombolcha Polytechnic College