Kombolcha Polytechnic College
Kombolcha Polytechnic College signed Memorandum of Understanding with Partner Colleges and the Industry

Posted 2022-03-24 12:32:55

Kombolcha Polytechnic College signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with two partner colleges and one labor industry in February and March 2022 respectively. The two partner colleges are Ajibar Polytechnic and Akesta Polytechnic College Colleges while the Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprises (AWWCE) is from industry. The current agreement included, the college has hitherto signed 10 MO...

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Automotive Department Trainers Conduct Industry Experience Sharing Visit

Posted 2022-03-24 12:35:35

Automotive department trainers of Kombolcha Polytechnic College have conducted experience sharing visit on selected automotive industries. The experience sharing team leader told the college’s public relations unit that the purpose of the visiting tour was to help trainers get exposure to the world of work dynamism, and help them understand the practical application of knowledge and skills needed...

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Kombolcha Polytechnic College Staff Conduct Cleaning Campaign

Posted 2022-03-24 12:38:03

Cleaning campaign work is underway to reorganize the college that was destroyed by TPLF which controlled Kombolcha City in early November 2021 and stayed in the city until it was ousted from the area on 6 December 2021. All members of the college staff have held a discussion on how to recover from the toll that the war brought upon the college, and on how to start work and restore the no...

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በሥራና ክህሎት ስልጠና ሚኒስቴር አስተባባሪነት የጀርመን ልማት ባንክ (KFW) ለኮሌጁ የስልጠና ቁሳቁሶች ዲጋፍ አደረገ

Posted 2022-03-24 12:40:03

በአሸባሪው የህወኃት ቡድን ወረራና ዝርፊያ የተፈጸመበትን የኮምቦልቻ ፖሊቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ መልሶ ለማቋቋም በፌዴራል መንግስት የሥራና ክህሎት ስልጠና አስተባባሪነት የጀርመን ልማት ባንክ (KFW) ከ75 ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ወጪ የተደረገበት የማሰልጠኛ ቁሳቁስ ለኮምቦልቻ ፖሊቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ ዲጋፍ አደረገ፡፡ የማሰልጠኛ ቁሳቁሶቹ ለግብርና፤ ለውኃና ለቴክስታይል ጋርመንት የስልጠና ዘርፎች ዲጋፍ የሚውሉ መሆኑን ድጋፉን በጀርመን መንግስት ስም ለኮሌጁ ያስረከቡት ዶክተር ሮበርት ተናግረዋል፡፡ የሥራና ክህሎት ስልጠና ሚኒስቴር ሚንስትር ክብርት ሙፈሪሃት ካሚል በአሸባሪው ቡድን ዘረፋ ከመፈጸሙ በፊት የኮምቦልቻ ፖሊቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ በሁ...

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